"Few sellers offer such a wide range of sun sails/shades. They're available in many sizes, shapes and qualities at a competitive price. Not used one before so I ordered two of the cheapest type just to see how I got on, and they're good value for money.
The product detail provided on the Primrose website, for all sail types, is exceptional so I knew just what to expect. The party sails' material is like a thick-ish shower curtain with re-enforced attachments. Three very thick lengths of fixing cord are supplied which were perfect for a bit of trial-and-error (it's deceptively tricky to judge the shaded area). When the positions of the two sails had been determined, I used stainless steel hardware to fix them although I'm sure the cords provided would have a long service life - probably longer than the party sails themselves which are not designed for permanent use.
I use the sails to provide shade for a tree fern during this overly hot UK summer. If these cheap party sails work out, I will probably order higher quality equivalents from Primrose."
Valorado viernes, 3 de agosto de 2018